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Quadruple amputee wins parasurfing championship

Marbella quadruple amputee crowned world parasurfing champion


她的斗志再一次发挥了作用,她得以继续自己的生活. But years on, a big health scare hit.

City of Palms Classic Slam Dunk Champion Goes Viral

一个扣篮冠军点亮了互联网,甚至上了体育中心. 汉塞尔·伊曼纽尔,那个在棕榈城精英赛上投出获奖一球的孩子. He’s a 6’6″ top Division I basketball prospect, and he’s an amputee. 

Wounded Marine Moves Into Smart Home Thanks to 'Forrest Gump' Actor

Forrest Gump 是否有一部those的电影继续给观众留下持久的印象, generation after generation. For Gary Sinise, the actor who played Lieutenant Dan, platoon leader and wounded companion to Tom Hanks' titular character,超越表演的role sparked a passion:纪念和支持退伍军人, first responders and their families. 2011年,这位演员创立了加里·辛尼斯基金会,这是一个非营利组织 focused on giving back to those who sacrificed for the country. Since its creation, the charity has built 74 specially adapted smart homes for wounded heroes, 为急救人员提供了50多万份餐食,并提供了300多笔救济赠款, among many other programs.


In his second consecutive Paralympic Games, 埃及乒乓球运动员、截肢者易卜拉欣·哈马杜继续只用他的嘴打出令人瞠目的击球.

Paralympian Athlete Paving The Way To Tokyo

经过一个月的药物诱导昏迷和多年的康复和物理治疗,拉瓦莱特和西蒙把所有的艰苦工作都集中在了一个座位上 Team USA paralympic equestrian team in the Summer Tokyo Paralympics.

Triple-Amputee Veteran Goes Surfing With Ricochet

Jose became a triple amputee after stepping on a bomb in Afghanistan. The doctors told his unit he wasn't going to make it. But he woke up from a coma ten days later. His road to recovery wasn't easy. In fact, odds were against him. 爆炸发生后,他在医院住了两年,并被告知他再也不能走路了. But this is Jose today, catching a wave with Ricochet to inspire other wounded warriors, as well as anyone else struggling through life.

Into The Outdoors With Double Amputee Johnny ‘Joey’ Jones

Watch a few minutes of the Fox Nation Outdoors series (福克斯新闻订阅流媒体平台的一部分)和约翰尼·“乔伊”·琼斯(他的朋友叫他“三重J”),你注意到的第一件事就是他对野外生活的热情, his love of life. It’s the kind of revelation that often comes after a near brush with death. 

Cancer Survivor, Amputee Wins Electric Bike In Dance Competition

当你面对生活中的困难时,很难看到生活的光明面,对吧?  但这正是斯科茨代尔的一个女孩几年前被诊断出患有癌症时所做的. 

Machined Parts Help Paralympian

Over the next 12 years, he would go on to become a world-class Paralympic athlete, winning gold and silver medals in the 2018 Paralympic Games, competing in a variety of winter sports, including motocross, snow bike cross, and snowboarding, and winning other gold and silver medals along the way. In fact, he is now a 10-time X Games gold medalist, after returning from the recent Winter X Games 2020 in Aspen, Colorado.

Former Miss Colombia Is Making The Most Out Of A Difficult Journey

Former Miss Colombia dances in video just weeks after leg amputation: 'We must be resilient in life'

He Lost His Leg, Then Rediscovered the Bicycle. Now He’s Unstoppable.


Walking 82-days After Leg Was Amputated


An interview with Dmitry Knyazev on amputee diving

Dmitry Knyazev自2016年以来一直是DDI讲师和我们组织的鼓舞人心的成员. Since becoming a disabled diving instructor, 德米特里一直致力于让尽可能多的残疾人下水,他是真正的残疾人潜水大使, especially for divers in Russia. 

In 2015 he created the Open Water Challenge project. 他的项目目标是创造关于残疾人如何克服现实限制的励志故事. 由于德米特里已经是一名狂热的职业潜水员,他选择了潜水作为挑战. 每个项目参与者都有自己的挑战和参与的目的. 德米特里通过拍摄记录了他的潜水员的进步和胜利 photo galleries.


As he prepared to hit his shot, Luke paused—a man with a plan. 自从医生在他15岁的时候因为骨癌切除了右腿膝盖以上的部分, he's been playing golf one-legged, and he wasn't about to hit this shot any different. With all eyes on him, he removed his prosthetic leg, and—to general astonishment—handed it to Tiger Woods. 

How Double Amputee Cedric King Inspired The Carolina Panthers

In Kandahar, Afghanistan, 1st Sgt. 第82空降师的塞德里克·金(Cedric King)正在巡逻,这次巡逻将改变他的人生轨迹. In the course of his patrol, Sgt. 金踩到一个简易爆炸装置(IED),在他脚下引爆. 他昏迷了八天,醒来时发现自己在爆炸中失去了双腿. 身心俱伤的他与黑豹队和主教练罗恩·里维拉建立了联系 and found new purpose and new meaning to his life. 


1-Year Old Baby Amputee Takes First Steps

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